How To Start A Vegetable Garden For Beginners

A step-by-step guide to help you start growing your own food and putting fresh vegetables on your family's table.

Do you want to start your first vegetable garden out on the right foot? Or would you like to have more success with the garden you already have?

How To Start A Vegetable Garden For Beginners is designed to do just that. This course will guide you step-by-step through planning, setting up, planting, and harvesting a successful vegetable garden. And it will give you the tools to track your progress so you know what has worked and what has not.

Free Garden Planner Included

  • Plan where the best place is for your garden.
  • Learn how to build the best soil for the most nutritious food.
  • Beat the weeds from day one.
  • Choose the best vegetables to grow for your family.
  • Know when to harvest for peak flavor and nutrition.

Gardener / Backyard Homesteader / Duck Wrangler

Mary St. Dennis

I believe everyone can learn to grow at least part of their own food.I have lived and gardened in SW Florida most of my life, where, with all the bugs, humidity and plant diseases, gardening should be an Olympic sport.Many would love to have a garden too but they don’t know where to start. My goal is to teach you better ways to grow your own food organically, and to give you the confidence to take the plunge.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome!

    • Before You Get Started....Read This.

    • Garden Planning With "My Garden Journal"

    • Bonus 1 - "My Garden Journal" Download

    • Why Do You Need A Garden Journal

  • 2

    Unit 1: Planning For Gardening Success

    • Lesson 1 - Identify Your Garden Goals

    • Lesson 2 - Choose The Type Of Garden Beds

    • Lesson 3 - Where To Place Your Garden

  • 3

    Unit 2: Your Garden Foundation.

    • Lesson 1 - Understanding Soil

    • Lesson 2 - Start Composting

    • Lesson 3 - Preventing Weeds Before They Start.

    • Lesson 4 - Gather You Tools

  • 4

    Unit 3: Seeds, Plants And All Those Terms

    • Lesson 1 - Types Of Plants

    • Lesson 2 - Discover Your Zone

    • Lesson 3 - Reading Seed Packages & Catalogs

  • 5

    Unit 4: Choosing What To Plant

    • Lesson 1 - What Does Your Garden Grow

    • Lesson 2 - What To Plant When

    • Lesson 3 - Plan Your Garden Beds

    • Lesson 4 - Plants Or Seeds

  • 6

    Unit 5: Start Your Gardens

    • Lesson 1 - Build Your Garden Beds

    • Lesson 2 - Watering Your Garden

    • Lesson 3 - Time To Plant

    • Lesson 4 - Garden Maintenance

    • Lesson 5 - Trouble Shooting

  • 7

    Unit 6: The Garden In Full Swing

    • Lesson 1 - Harvest

    • Lesson 2 - Putting Your Garden To Bed

    • Lesson 3 - Plan For Next Year

    • Bonus 2 - Plant Rotation Chart

    • Bonus 3 - Top Tomato Tips

    • Congratulations

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**No guarantees disclaimer** There are obviously no guarantees in gardening… I personally have used these methods that I share in How To Start A Vegetable Garden For Beginners. However, how well your garden will grow depends on many factors including the time and effort you put into it, and a thousand other variables. I, therefore, cannot – and do not – promise you any specific level of success resulting from following the steps in this course.